believe?faith?hope? :/
"You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you wont stop calling me;
I'm kinda busy."
.Sunday, January 31, 2010 ' 4:19 AM Y
tricia said,
Friends... This word, is used so occasionally, that sometimes, we forget the true meaning of being friends.
Friends are people whom you:
1) talk to, when you see them (in school or online)
2) smile to when you walk past them
3) share stuff with them
4) study together
5) do retarded and weird stuff together
Acquaintance are people whom you:
1) say hi to.
2) are not very close to, but somehow know them
3) don't really understand them
Sometimes, I wonder which category I'm under for certain people. It's just so hard to say hi, when the other person treats you like a stranger.
Meaning of stranger:
1) don't even know each other
2) no hi or bye,
3) even if you walked past each other, you wouldn't even smile
Yup, I'm really confused. Then again, I'm always confused. Maybe sometimes, I turn invisible, so no one can see me, then they don't bother saying hi, but seriously, I don't think I'm THAT invisible right? :/ At least, when I say hi to you, have some response? :/ I mean like, yes, we're friends no? Unless I'm not, then fine, I shan't say hi anymore, then we can all ignore each other. Does that sound better? Seriously.
I wish you could just tell me in the face what you want me to do sometimes.
Friends or not, you decide. I guess I have no say in this, I always don't anyway.
.Friday, January 29, 2010 ' 5:58 AM Y
tricia said,
VA VA VOOM, VA VA VASILIA.ORIENTATION'10 started off really REALLY well. [: I'm sooooo happy, and was SUPER excited during the walk-in. Actually, I was super excited when I receive the list of OG kids' names. Then again, I'm always high. HAHA, unlimited source of energy.
And, I don't care how many times I've said this, I LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE my OG kids. :D They are SUPER awesome okay! [: (and that's an understatement, I'm not kidding).
Day ONE, was awesome enough. If I've got to say anything, I'm gonna thank them for being such nice people, cooperating with us and all. [: Even though sometimes we're kinda blurr. But still, I think we managed fine. Dance and cheers, they did them really well. [:
Day TWO, I'm not very sure, cos' I wasn't with them until like, ending part of the day. But still, they ended the day still smiling and cheering. I REALLY REALLY appreciate that.
To all my OG kids out there:
I LOVE YOU GUYS! [: We're the AWESOME-est group right?! [: keep your spirits high! and CHEEERRRRRRRRR. WHOOOOOOOO. CAILLECH, CAILLECH *CLAPCLAP* :D
.Monday, January 25, 2010 ' 5:00 AM Y
tricia said,
TGIM:thank god it's monday.
People might think I'm crazy, but I'm not. Trust me. Shouldn't we thank him for all the days he has made, every single one of them? Monday blues are nonsense. They just give us an excuse to drag ourselves out of bed to do our usual weekday routine. Since we've got to live our lives anyway, why not just start of the day with a big wide smile, welcome the day, and probably, the day wouldn't seem that bad after all.
Well, I know school work is crazy and all, but we all can press on, and strive further! [: We are the ones that choose how we want to live our lives. I know it sucks, but that's the one out of many choices we've got to make if we want to survive in this world no? Personally, I hate making choices and decisions. Fears of whether that decision would cause anything to go wrong, or anything to crumble. These are the things that make people worried about making decisions. But nevertheless, we've got to, just do it.
Leaders do not need to be recognized. Because only people that make others feel like heroes, are those that are true leaders. When you're a leader, people would notice you, even if you don't try that hard. This is probably what you call servant leadership. Putting everyone else above you, helping others to the best of your abilities. If you want people to respect you, you've got to respect others first. "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you", that's probably why I feel so strongly that karma exists. Small things you do to help others, these are the things that will lead someone to remember you forever. Even the littlest acts of kindness. Even a little smile, would make someone's day awesome. [: I know, because I love to see people smiling. It's what kick-starts an awesome day. We should seriously design a SMILE mask, and we can wear it everyday! [: HAH.
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
.Saturday, January 23, 2010 ' 7:27 AM Y
tricia said,
ONCE AGAIN, I felt happiness for someone else other than myself.
I think I'm going crazy being happy for other people. But I can't help it right? Since there's not much to celebrate in my life, other than random points of life.. So, I've just got to be happy for other people. [:
I know you know who I'm talking about (if that person is here.) Lucky you. [: You've got so many good guys in your life, it's almost like.. fate. I don't know. [: At least I know you're in good hands now. [: Cherish it ya? These type of things, they don't really come frequently.
Although I feel super happy, there's always that.. feeling of being left alone. I really hate being left alone. o.o I don't know. I'm just weird. I'll feel super like... neglected. HAHA. Probably just me, cos' a lot of people don't feel the same as me. When all your friends get hooked up, then they just slowly drift further away from you, because they'd rather spend time nurturing their own relationship. Plus, they are often so.. caught up with the relationships with their own little problems and all, that you just instantly become a listening ear. And your own problems just disappear into the background. Yea... that's probably what being a good friend is about. Being there for your friend when they need you, giving them your advice, listening to their problems and all. Probably, one day, I'll just become a permanent listening ear, and like, my problems will all dissolve into the background. [:
Relationships, once broken, really can make someone feel like crap. Plus, they make you become instant strangers. I ask myself why? But, the reason just boils down to... retarded things that weren't even true. If the other person trusts and believes, your relationship will definitely be stronger, no? Then again, it takes two hands to clap. Thus, it's like, super complicated, maybe we'll never be able to understand. Maybe, once bitten twice shy. But I guess it's true. Once broken, it'll come back stronger and tougher than before. Building a shield to protect yourself, to stop yourself from hurting. It's supposed to be a good thing, but you won't trust that easily anymore. Yes, this means, finding someone trustworthy, someone that, promises, without breaking them. Seriously, cherish people who loves you, those who will do anything, just to make you smile.
Training was horrible on friday, not cos' of the training set. But cos' I had to stop training halfway due to a retarded accident. Yup, had to ice my hand to stop it from swelling. Quite funny, but obviously, it was painful. Thanks for all the concern yes? [: And yes, my hand is fine, other than it still being swollen. [: DON'T WORRY. :D
.Wednesday, January 20, 2010 ' 3:55 AM Y
tricia said,
Training every single weekday, ]: I don't mind it, it's just, draining yes? So much to do, so little time.
Training, talking about that. Super sad, can't even kick properly thanks to my stupid old injuries haunting me yet again. :/ Sprained my stupid ankle too many times. Seriously, I'm just gna let it be, and tank until nationals are over [: I'm enduring it good, for now. [:
Butterfly still sucks, but.. I'm gna keep trying. Cos' that's all I can do. Do my best for the team. [: Well, hopefully my hard work pays off yes? Training like never before. :/ Getting super tired, with all the muscle aches all. But heck luh, it's worth it. Be it the company or the finishing point when you touch the wall after a super draining event.
I shall start praying that my ankle doesn't give way until nationals are over [:
"You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of our memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending"
Avril Lavigne - my happy ending.
.Saturday, January 16, 2010 ' 6:33 AM Y
tricia said,
"I never dreamt it'd be this way
I lost any chance for me to say
To say that I miss you, say that I love you
Will someone please tell me I'm okay
I wasn't prepared for what's to come
A life made of memories gone so young
And now I'm regretting all I've done
But in your heart you know that I'm with you all along
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
I'm in your heart tonightI never thought that this could go
And take me away from all I know
And leave me to think I'm on my own
But your love will take me, you were the one...
...Who sat through nights
You held me tight
And made sure I'm okay
And I thank you for the love you gave to me
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
I'm in your heart tonight...
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
And if I should fall, I know you're waiting
And if I should call, I know you're there
If ever you cry just know
I'm in your heart tonight...
I'm in your heart tonight."
Gone so young- Amber pacific
One whole week of school has passed, yet another week, kinda wasted, but at the same time, fun. Although our big class of 25, was cut down to 23, and now to 22. We are still a super big and happy class, probably. Even with all the cliques and everything, I'm sure we're still an awesome class. This whole week has got me thinking alot. As usual, thinking about irrelevant stuff when I'm supposed to be studying, which is not really the point now.
Something tells me, that everyone needs someone to be there for them every single moment when they need someone to talk to. But where is that someone that I can talk to? Someone that will be there for me, whenever I need to rant, or just to, tell that person about my life. I guess, there won't be such a person in my life for now, at least, I know that I can be there for people when they need such a person, be there for them, share their burden, lighten their fears. I guess, that's the only thing that I'm able to do, just a little something so that people around me can feel happier everyday. And, I'm happy to be able to do that for them.
Okay, nevertheless, I know my friends will know that I'm always there for them, no matter what. [: At least, even if I can't do anything to help them, I'll always be there, to lend them that listening ear. [:
p.s, anyone who actually reads my blog, you're welcome to borrow my listening ear [:
.Friday, January 1, 2010 ' 7:00 AM Y
tricia said,
Smile as if you mean it.Easy to say, difficult to execute. But, I'm going to try and do that in this awesome new year, 2010. A decade has past, I don't see the point of going through life being sad and irritated, when you can just, be happy, and smile through the days.
Live your life as if every day was your last.I'm going to do that, after today. (After today because I wasted the whole day away) But that is okay, because, it is the start of a brand new year. So.. I kinda deserve some slack no? [: (okay, maybe not) This is just another excuse to stop my hand from writing and stop my brain from memorising. :/
Anyway, in my previous post, it already explains alot, and I guess when you see your friends supporting you in whatever you do, the feeling is just so.. extraordinary. Pearlyn and Yilin, I really REALLY really appreciate your company and like, encouragement throughout the whole of the holidays. I know nobody comes and visit my blog, but heck anyway ya? Cos' this is the only place I can just rant off, and not irritate anyone in the mean time. I had super alot of fun during the holidays and its all thanks to the people around me. I really really, thank God for them. Putting me in AC was probably the most important thing in my life, like if i didn't get into AC, I wouldn't know all these awesome people, that changed my life somehow or rather. Sometimes, God really works miracles. He has already planned our lifes for us, and I'm so glad he did. Bringing me to MG, which led me to AC, which gave me an experience I'll never forget.
So.. I'm super sure that from today onwards. I am going to be a super SUPER happy person, and not like.. be emo-ish and everything. Because it's just not worth it when you have so many awesome people around you. I AM going to move on, because even the years move on, so why shouldn't we. & I just saw 11:11 [: it doesn't really mean anything actually.. It's just something to look forward everyday.. Something that people believe.. Something that is almost like self-denial. But heck anyways. I still look forward to 11:11. Who knows? Maybe it IS true. [:
"I'm slowly getting closure,
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And I'm picking up all the pieces,
Spending all of these years.
Putting my heart back together."- Over you, Chris Daughtry.
Yes, I'm still not over that song. [:
That's probably the only thing that I'm still not over with since 2009 [: