believe?faith?hope? :/
"You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you wont stop calling me;
I'm kinda busy."
.Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ' 5:48 AM Y
tricia said,
Yup, I'm back.
So, today was my daddy's birthday. Since, we had dinner at Jurong Point, we decided that we should decorate a cake for my dad.We did anyway, so we got TWO cakes (one for my brother to decorate and the other one for me). Apparently, I was planning on how to decorate the cak since the start of our dinner, so I started first. I drew a heart. So my brother was like " oh? I should draw a heart too "
after damn long....

Read it for yourselves, see. My brother was complaining how my mum left her artistic genes with me and not with him. -LOL- And after which he put the blame on my mum. AND said that the uglier looking cake was mine. LOL~ apparently I was smart enough to put my name on the cake -winks-.
Yup, on the car ride home, my dad was like. We should eat Roy's cake first (Roy is my brother), then we should leave Tricia's inside a museum. My brother was like ' FINE LA, ALL BULLY ME ~_~ ' . Then my dad said, 'nvm la, since there is awfully chocolate, then yours can be awfully cake.' -LOL again-.
anyways, the cake was nice. :D (we ate my brother's cake today) I guess mine is for tomorrow >< , but still, at least it was preserved. (for a short little while).
.Sunday, June 14, 2009 ' 7:00 PM Y
tricia said,
Ok, so here is another days worth of boring stuff. This time, it's not THAT boring, but still boring :D
So, on Sunday, I went to lakeshore to celebrate my cousin's 1st month. he's like reallyreallyREALLY cute. I swear. :D before that I went with my mum to get him presents. And i just found out, that my mummy NEVER bought me helium balloons in my life, but she got him a helium balloon on his first month. -jealous-. Ohwells.
Today, will be a super boring day. I'm not going out. So I shall stay home a mug. -cough- Wish me luck ! :D
.Friday, June 12, 2009 ' 6:13 AM Y
tricia said,
Ohwells. Since its the holidays, I shall just post about my boring life, and you guys shall read about it. Then again, since its so freaking boring, y'all would just fall asleep reading it right? -LOL-.
Anyways, I just realised that I totally DO NOT REGRET joining swimming. Even though I'm like, freaking FREAKING tan now. -LOL- But I'm glad that I made so many new friends in swimming, that are as crazy as me [: which is a good thing. Stay happy you guys. [:
So, with the sudden realisation that our PW group is not making much progress, other than spamming card games (e.g. bridge, daidi, uno, heartattack, speed) like crazy. I hope we will get things done sooner or later. And I seriously need to get some work done. Like SERIOUSLY. And I totally need to get over with Boys over Flowers (which is gonna be really hard, cos the guys are SO goodlooking).
Anyways, to all my MG friends. I miss you guys. Let's go out soon.